Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Taste Of Things To Come

Okay, this was meant to be updated weekly and I picked Tuesdays because that's when I posted the first one. . . but I couldn't be bothered today so instead the "latest" comic is in fact something I did about two years ago when I originally came up with Bunny Puppy.

So to be able to say that new content comes every Tuesday, here's a look at the main character of a one-shot comic Carlos and I are working on, which has been in the works a little while but should be out soonish now that the plot outline is complete and all the thumbnails are done.

Without further ado, here's part of the cover for Assassins Bleed, a title I'm really regretting, "Asinine Creed" seems more appropriate now. . . although it can't be too late to change it.

Wait, that was further ado, so here, without even more further ado here's part of the cover:

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